8 Ayurvedic Remedies To Help Handle Spicy Food 

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1. Milk 

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Dairy, especially milk, is often recommended to neutralize the heat from spicy foods. The fat content in milk can help soothe the burning sensation. Yogurt or buttermilk are also good options. 

2. Ghee (Clarified Butter) 

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Ghee is considered cooling in Ayurveda and can help balance the heat from spicy foods. You can consume a small amount of ghee or add it to your meal. 

3. Coconut 

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Coconut, in various forms such as coconut milk or shredded coconut, is cooling in nature. Including coconut in your meal can help counteract the heat of spicy food. 

4. Cucumber 

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Cucumber is hydrating and has a cooling effect. Consuming cucumber slices or a cucumber salad can provide relief from the heat of spicy foods. 

5. Coriander 

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Coriander (both the seeds and the fresh leaves) is known for its cooling properties in Ayurveda. Chewing on coriander seeds or adding fresh coriander to your meal may help soothe the digestive system. 

6. Fennel Seeds 

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Fennel seeds have digestive properties and can help ease discomfort caused by spicy foods. Chewing on a small amount of fennel seeds after a spicy meal may aid digestion. 

7. Mint 

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Mint has a cooling effect and can be consumed in the form of mint tea or added to dishes. Chewing on fresh mint leaves can also provide relief from the heat. 

8. Cardamom 

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Cardamom is another spice with cooling properties. You can add cardamom to your tea or chew on cardamom pods to help with digestion. 

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