8 Best Toys To Keep Your Pet Active This Winter

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1. Interactive Puzzle Feeders 

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Puzzle feeders challenge your pet's mind and provide mental stimulation. These toys dispense treats as your pet figures out how to solve the puzzle. 

2. Treat-Dispensing Toys 

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Treat-dispensing toys keep your pet entertained as they work to retrieve treats. These toys come in various shapes and sizes for both dogs and cats. 

3. Feather Wands for Cats 

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Cats love to chase and bat at things, and feather wands provide an excellent way to engage them in play. You can move the wand to mimic the movement of prey. 

4. Climbing Structures for Cats 

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Multi-level cat trees or shelves provide opportunities for climbing and exploration. Some also come with built-in scratching posts for added enrichment. 

5. Automatic Laser Pointers 

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Cats often enjoy chasing laser pointers, and automatic laser toys can keep them entertained without requiring your constant involvement. 

6. Tug Toys for Dogs 

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Tug-of-war is a great indoor activity for dogs. Choose durable tug toys that allow for interactive play between you and your pet. 

7. Interactive Laser Projectors 

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Laser projectors can create moving patterns of light that engage both dogs and cats. Pets can chase the projected images, providing mental and physical stimulation. 

8. Floating Toys for Bath Time 

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If your pet enjoys water, consider floating toys for bath time fun. Make sure the toys are safe and designed specifically for pets. 

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