8 Breeds Of Adorable Dog Likely To Stick To Their Owner Like Glue 

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1. Labrador Retriever 

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Labradors are known for their friendly and outgoing nature. They are highly affectionate and often form strong attachments to their owners, following them around the house and seeking constant companionship. 

2. Golden Retriever 

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Golden Retrievers are not only friendly but also highly devoted to their families. They thrive on human interaction and are known for their loyalty, making them excellent companions. 

3. German Shepherd 

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German Shepherds are known for their intelligence and loyalty. They often form a strong bond with their owners and are protective and devoted to their families. 

4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 

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These small and affectionate dogs are known for their friendly and gentle demeanor. Cavaliers often form close bonds with their owners and enjoy being part of family activities. 

5. Shetland Sheepdog 

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Shelties are known for their intelligence and loyalty. They often form a close connection with their owners and thrive on being involved in family life. 

6. Boxer 

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Boxers are known for their playful and affectionate nature. They often become deeply attached to their families and are known to be excellent with children. 

7. Pug 

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Pugs are known for their charming personalities and strong desire to be with their owners. They are affectionate and often form close bonds with family members. 

8. Havanese 

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Havanese are small, social dogs that enjoy being around people. They often form strong bonds with their owners and can be affectionate and loyal companions. 

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