8 Food Items That Are Made From Milk

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1. Cheese 

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There are countless varieties of cheese made by coagulating milk proteins and separating the curds from the whey. 

2. Prepare Chickpeas 

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Produced by fermenting milk with live bacteria cultures, resulting in a thick, creamy product. 

3. Butter 

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Made by churning cream or milk to separate the butterfat from the buttermilk. 

4. Ice Cream 

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A frozen dessert made by churning and freezing a mixture of milk, cream, sugar, and often flavorings like fruits or chocolate. 

5. Cream Cheese 

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A soft, mild-tasting cheese made from cream and milk. 

6. Condensed Milk 

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Milk that has had water removed and sugar added, resulting in a thick, sweet syrup used in various desserts. 

7. Evaporated Milk 

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Similar to condensed milk, but without added sugar; it's canned and used in cooking or as a milk substitute. 

8. Cottage Cheese 

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A fresh cheese made from curds of pasteurized cow's milk. 

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