8 Foods Rich In Iodine And Why You Need This Trace Mineral

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1. Seaweed  

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Seaweeds are among the richest natural sources of iodine. They can contain exceptionally high levels due to their ability to absorb iodine from seawater. 

2. Fish  

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Various types of fish are good sources of iodine. Saltwater fish generally contain higher levels than freshwater fish. 

3. Dairy Products 

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Dairy is a good source of iodine, as iodine is sometimes used to sanitize equipment in the dairy industry and ends up in dairy products. 

4. Eggs 

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Eggs contain a moderate amount of iodine, particularly in the yolk. 

5. Iodized Salt 

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Regular table salt is often fortified with iodine to help prevent iodine deficiency. It's a common and easy way to add iodine to your diet. 

6. Shrimp and Shellfish 

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Seafood like shrimp and certain shellfish contain iodine, contributing to iodine intake. 

7. Prunes  

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Surprisingly, prunes also contain some iodine, although in smaller amounts compared to seafood or dairy. 

8. Strawberries 

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Strawberries can contain iodine, albeit in lesser quantities compared to seafood or dairy. 

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