8 Things To Know About Malbec Wine 

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1. Origin  

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Malbec is originally from France, specifically the Bordeaux region. It was traditionally used as a blending grape in Bordeaux wines. However, it found a new home and fame in Argentina. 

2. Argentina's Signature Grape  

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Malbec has become the signature grape of Argentina. The grape thrives in the high-altitude vineyards of the Mendoza region, producing wines with deep color and rich flavors. 

3. Flavor Profile 

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Malbec wines are known for their dark, inky color and bold flavors. Common tasting notes include dark fruit flavors like blackberry and plum, along with notes of chocolate, tobacco, and sometimes a hint of violet. 

4. Tannins and Acidity 

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Malbec wines typically have moderate to high tannins, which contribute to the wine's structure. While the acidity is generally medium, it can vary depending on the winemaking style and the region. 

5. Food Pairing 

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Malbec wines pair well with a variety of foods. They are particularly well-suited for grilled meats, making them an excellent choice for barbecues. Additionally, they complement dishes like steak, lamb, and hearty stews. 

6. Aging Potential 

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While Malbec is often consumed relatively young, some higher-end versions are suitable for aging. The aging potential depends on factors such as the winemaking style, vineyard conditions, and grape quality. 

7. French vs. Argentine Malbec 

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Malbec wines from France and Argentina can have distinct characteristics. French Malbec, often found in blends, tends to be more tannic and structured. Argentine Malbec, on the other hand, is known for its ripe fruit flavors and approachability. 

8. Malbec World Day 

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April 17th is celebrated as Malbec World Day, an international event that pays homage to the grape variety. It commemorates the day when Argentine president Domingo Faustino Sarmiento officially made it his mission to transform Argentina's wine industry. 

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