8 Ways To Keep Your Dog Warm And Safe This Winter 

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1. Provide Adequate Shelter 

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Ensure your dog has a warm and dry place to shelter. If your dog spends a lot of time outdoors, consider providing a well-insulated doghouse with a raised floor to protect against cold and damp ground. 

2. Warm Bedding 

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Offer your dog a cozy and warm bed, preferably raised off the floor to avoid drafts. Provide extra blankets or padding for insulation. 

3. Protect Paws 

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Cold surfaces and de-icing chemicals can be harsh on your dog's paws. Consider using dog booties to protect their feet. After walks, wipe your dog's paws to remove any salt or chemicals. 

4. Appropriate Attire 

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Depending on your dog's breed and size, a dog sweater or coat can provide additional warmth during walks, especially for short-haired or small breeds. 

5. Limit Outdoor Time 

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In extremely cold weather, limit your dog's time outdoors. Puppies, senior dogs, and small breeds may be more susceptible to the cold. Keep outdoor activities short and monitor your dog for signs of discomfort. 

6. Maintain a Healthy Diet 

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Dogs burn more calories in the winter to stay warm. Ensure your dog has a well-balanced diet and consider adjusting their food intake based on their activity level and the temperature. 

7. Stay Dry 

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Wet fur can make your dog feel colder. Keep your dog dry during walks and outings. Use a towel to dry them thoroughly if they get wet, paying attention to paws and belly. 

8. Regular Grooming 

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Maintain your dog's coat in good condition by regular grooming. Trimming excess hair can help prevent ice balls from forming between paw pads. 

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