Discover 10 Stunning Long Haired Cat Breeds

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1. Persian 

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Known for their distinctive flat face and long, flowing coat, Persian cats are one of the most popular long-haired breeds. 

2. Maine Coon 

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These large and friendly cats have tufted ears and bushy tails. Their semi-longhair coat is water-resistant and well-suited for cold climates. 

3. Ragdoll 

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Ragdolls are known for their docile temperament and striking blue eyes. They have a semi-longhair coat that is soft and silky. 

4. Siberian 

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Originating from Russia, Siberian cats have a triple coat that is water-resistant. Despite their long hair, they are relatively low-maintenance. 

5. Norwegian Forest Cat 

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With a thick double coat, tufted ears, and bushy tail, Norwegian Forest Cats are adapted to cold climates. They have a wild appearance reminiscent of a lynx. 

6. Himalayan 

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A breed derived from Persian and Siamese cats, Himalayans have a colorpoint pattern similar to Siamese cats but with a long, flowing coat. 

7. Balinese  

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Similar to the Siamese in body type but with a longer coat, Balinese cats are known for their sleek and silky hair. 

8. Turkish Angora 

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This ancient breed has a silky, medium to long coat and is known for its playful and social nature. They often have a single-colored coat with almond-shaped eyes. 

9. Birman 

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Birmans have a semi-longhair coat with a colorpoint pattern similar to Siamese cats. They are known for their striking blue eyes and silky fur. 

10. Scottish Fold Longhair 

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This breed is recognized by its folded ears, and it can have both short and long hair. The long-haired version has a plush, semi-longhair coat. 

10 Long Haired Cat Breeds