8 High Fiber Vegetables to Add to Your Diet

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1. Artichokes 

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Artichokes are one of the richest sources of dietary fiber. They contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, aiding in digestion and promoting gut health. 

2. Broccoli 

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This cruciferous vegetable is not only rich in vitamins and minerals but also a good source of fiber, especially when eaten raw or lightly cooked. 

3. Brussels Sprouts 

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Packed with fiber, Brussels sprouts provide both soluble and insoluble fiber, contributing to digestive health and supporting regular bowel movements. 

4. Carrots 

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Carrots are not only known for their beta-carotene content but are also a good source of dietary fiber, particularly when eaten raw or slightly cooked. 

5. Lentils 

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While technically not a vegetable, lentils are legumes that offer a substantial amount of fiber, making them a great addition to soups, stews, and salads. 

6. Peas 

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Both green peas and snow peas are excellent sources of fiber. They contain soluble and insoluble fiber, aiding in digestion and supporting heart health. 

7. Artichoke Hearts 

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Besides whole artichokes, artichoke hearts are also a convenient source of fiber, available in canned or jarred forms. 

8. Spinach 

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Spinach is not just nutrient-rich but also provides a decent amount of fiber. Add it to salads, smoothies, or lightly cook it to retain its fiber content. 

8 Healthiest Vegetables to Eat