The 8 Major Mistakes You're Making When Buying and Storing Nuts

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1. Not Checking for Rancidity 

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Rancid nuts have an off smell and taste. Always check for freshness before purchasing by smelling and tasting a single nut. Rancid nuts can contain free radicals, which are harmful to health. 

2. Buying in Bulk Without Proper Storage 

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Buying nuts in bulk can save money, but improper storage can lead to spoilage. Store nuts in airtight containers in a cool, dark place, preferably the refrigerator or freezer, to extend their shelf life. 

3. Ignoring Expiry Dates 

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Pay attention to expiration or best-by dates on packaged nuts. Even though nuts have a long shelf life, they can go rancid over time, so consuming them within the recommended period is crucial. 

4.Storing Nuts Incorrectly  

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Nuts contain natural oils that can turn rancid when exposed to light, heat, or air. Keep them in sealed containers away from sunlight and heat sources to maintain their freshness. 

5. Not Using Airtight Containers 

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Exposure to air accelerates the oxidation process in nuts, leading to rancidity. Airtight containers, especially those with vacuum seals, help preserve the nuts' quality. 

6. Storing Nuts in Warm Environments 

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Heat can accelerate the spoiling of nuts. Avoid storing them near the stove, oven, or in warm areas like the pantry, as it can cause them to go rancid more quickly. 

7. Buying Pre-Shelled Nuts in Bulk 

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Nuts in shells have a longer shelf life compared to shelled nuts. Consider buying nuts in shells if you plan to store them for an extended period to maintain their freshness. 

8. Not Rotating Stock 

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When buying new nuts, it's important to use the older ones first to prevent them from going bad. Rotate your stock by placing newly bought nuts at the back of your storage and older ones at the front for easy access. 

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